Check out our webinars!

NCARC staff have been busy in the past few months training, presenting, and facilitating webinars and panels intended to promote the CAC model in Tribal communities. We would like to invite you to check out our Resources page, where you will find a selection of recent webinars and other recorded events we have participated in or facilitated.

NCARC Executive Director Maegan Rides At The Door recently facilitated a panel discussion hosted by the Western Region CAC with staff at the Puyallap Tribe’s Children of the River CAC. The Children of the River staff discuss their journey toward developing their CAC and working toward accreditation. It’s a very fruitful discussion that we think might interest Tribal stakeholders in communities that don’t yet have their own Tribally operated CACs.

NCARC Project Director Deanna Chancellor facilitated another discussion that we think might be really helpful for already existing CACs that are wondering what they can do to better serve the Native children in their service areas. Deanna talks to child-serving professionals of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, along with staff at two area CACs, about how together they have built relationships that allow CACs to serve Tribal children and families effectively.

Keep checking back in at our Resources page. We are committed to making this page, and our website more broadly, a useful hub for anyone interested in how CACs and MDTs can better meet the needs of American Indian and Alaska Native communities, and we will be steadily building out our library of webinars and other resources.


National Children’s Alliance Announces Request for Proposals to Expand CACs in AI/AN Communities


Announcing a Tribal CAC Virtual Peer Group