Save the date: forensic healthcare funding webinar

When: December 8, 2021, 1 pm ET, 12 pm CT, 11 am MT, 10 am PT, and 9 am AK

Description: The IHS Division of Behavioral Health (DBH) will discuss the Domestic Violence Prevention (DVP) Program’s new Forensic Healthcare (FHC) Services notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) currently open for applications. This technical assistance (TA) webinar will provide information how to apply, including a brief overview of the new funding cycle; application and submission process requirements; application/proposal requirements; and a brief review of proposal templates and examples.

Presenter: Audrey Solimon, MPH, Public Health Analyst, Division of Behavioral Health, Office of Clinical and Preventive Services, Indian Health Service

Target Audiences:

·       Federally-recognized Indian Tribes (defined by 25 U.S.C. 1603(14))

·       Tribal organizations (defined by 25 U.S.C 1603(26))

·       Urban Indian organizations (defined by 25 U.S.C. 1603(29))

Connection Information:

1.     Go to:

2.     Select the “Enter as a Guest” option

3.     Enter your name, first and last, with designation in the box designated Name (ex: Jane Doe, MD).

4.     Click on the “Enter Room” button

To view video tutorials on how to connect, audio options, and other Adobe Connect features, click here. 

Recording: The sessions will be recorded for those unable to join real-time. The recording will be listed on the SASP NOFO website ( for individuals to view the recording at their convenience.

Link to full Notice of Funding Opportunity: FHC Services NOFO

Application submission deadline: February 2, 2022 via


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