Save the Date: Workshop for Indian Country Advocates

The National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center is offering an exciting professional development opportunity for Tribal victim advocates, “Foundation and Key Principles: Strengthening the Role of Advocacy in Indian Country Workshop., January 24-26. Participants can attend in person, virtually, or hybrid. If you’d like to attend in person, time is running out to register, as there are limited spaces available. Here is the workshop agenda.

About the Workshop

The foundation of advocates’ role in Indian Country is built upon our Indigenous understanding of our relationships and roles as Relatives in the context of historical and ongoing dynamics of colonization. The key principles of advocacy come from indigenous cultural beliefs and values, and encompass concepts of resilience, trauma-informed approaches, and sovereignty. These are the themes of this workshop with a focus on the dynamics and impact of battering/ intimate partner violence, particularly on Native women. Key topics include basic advocacy skills, confidentiality, and elements of shelter and other safe spaces. Advocates’ role in social change initiatives outside of shelter doors is also addressed. A special session on Covid 19 mitigation best practices and indoor air mitigation tools has been added to the agenda this year given the ongoing pandemic. Discussion and interactive exercises are planned throughout this workshop.

For more information, see the announcement on the NIWRC website.


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