NCARC at the National Indian Nations Conference
Native Child Advocacy Resource Center staff attended last week’s 17th National Indian Nations Conference sponsored by the Office of Victims of Crime, with the goal of advancing the conversation about the development of Tribal MDTs and CACs. We had lots of great conversations and heard helpful feedback from those who attended a listening session about needs and barriers related to CAC development in Tribal communities. Additionally, Kimee Wind-Hummingbird provided a presentation on “Improving Outcomes for Families Through Tribal Multidisciplinary Teams,” and Maegan Rides At The Door moderated an expert panel on “Pathways to Developing and Building Tribal Child Advocacy Centers.” We encourage you to take some time to watch these archived webinars and to take a tour of the other items on our Resources page, where we are building a library of webinars, tools, links, and other information that we hope will help Tribal stakeholders and CAC professionals who serve Tribes advance the CAC model in Tribal communities.